Week 3 is here already!

The past 2 weeks have been great…hard, but great. I’ve woken my body up to consistent exercise and my muscles are really starting to enjoy the workouts. Week 3 is very much in the middle of my endurance phase so it was expected that little would change during this period.

A couple of things which have changed this week are an increase in reps for most exercises, from 12 to 15 repetitions. Then the second part of the week saw my number of sets increase from 3 to 4. My pec fly and chest press weights happened to increase by 2kg, but everything else was based around increased reps and sets. This steady and gradual increase is to prepare my body for the next phase in just over a week’s time.

One thing which does keep being pointed out to me is my lack of food intake. Now I’ve never considered myself a light eater but since starting the training sessions my food intake has had to increase. This is no mean feat! I’m having to be much more conscious about the level of protein I should be eating following each session and throughout the rest of the day, however I’m still just not eating enough. This has to change as I move to the next phase of training.

Note to self…eat more!